November 24, 2020

Virtual Fall Commencement Announced

PBA News

We are happy to announce a virtual commencement service will be held for our fall semester graduates at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12. A link will be posted at, and the service will be recorded so it can be viewed later. Graduates will receive their diplomas in the mail, and they are invited back to campus to walk the stage at our next available in-person commencement, which hopefully will be in May, 2021.

We’re proud of all our graduates, but we especially want to honor these who have persevered under the challenging circumstances brought by COVID-19. Our thanks go out to them and to their parents for their hard work, patience and faith. And we pray for God’s blessing on Thanksgiving, and on the days ahead as these graduates go out into the world to follow their calling.


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