Rinker School of Business Professors Dr. Mary Kay Copeland and Dr. Cora Barnhart wrote a publication on leadership that became the basis of a video used to train elite Czech coaches.
Copeland and Barnhart wrote “The Impact of Values-Based Leadership on Sport Coaching” with Dr. William Crossan, an assistant professor at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Crossan is also a missionary with Athletes in Action, the athletic ministry of Cru. The trio’s recent article was the foundation for a video in a lecture series to help coaches implement values for the coaching certification program of the Czech Olympic Committee.

Copeland, professor of accounting and information systems, and Barnhart, associate professor of economics, have written numerous papers on integrating faith and values-based leadership in business. Their peer-reviewed journal articles have impacted students and professionals throughout the world. Copeland’s three most recent ethical and values-based leadership publications have been read by more than 27,000 students and professionals from 1,560 different institutions in 163 countries.
The Rinker School of Business faculty strives for impactful scholarship and influence that aligns with the school’s mission.