Emanuel Garcia Munoz

Assistant Professor of Economics

School: Marshall E. Rinker, Sr. School of Business
Department: Rinker School of Business
Sub-department(s): Accounting, Finance and Economics

joined: 2023


Dr. Garcia Munoz was born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba and moved to Miami, Florida at the age
of nine. He pursued his undergraduate studies at Florida International University and his
graduate studies at the University of Florida. At the University of Florida, he was a recipient of
the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship, which promotes the educational advancement of
underrepresented groups. Dr. Garcia Munoz specializes in applied microeconomics with a focus
on education, policy evaluation, and political economy. He has published in the peer-reviewed
Journal of Human Capital. He is married to his wife, Sarah, and has one cat named Oliver.




PHD in Economics, University of Florida | MA in Economics, University of Florida | BA in Economics and English, Florida International University