Ben DeVan

Associate Professor of Ethics and Organizational Behavior | Chair, Ethics and Organizational Behavior

School: Catherine T. MacArthur School
Department: Leadership
Sub-department(s): Ethics and Organizational Behavior

joined: 2017


Dr. DeVan’s research interests include the ethical implications of competing visions for the future, deep-level diversity involving evangelical Christians, atheists, and Muslims; reconciliation, resilience, and applied narrative ethics in the Bible and other literature. He has published articles, book reviews, book chapters, and reference entries spanning ethics, Christian theology, social science, international relations, science-religion dialogue, and related topics for Oxford University Press, Journal of Religion and SocietyJournal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Christian Scholar’s Review, Journal of Comparative Theology, Journal of Ecumenical StudiesIslam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionTheology and ScienceFaith and Philosophy, and additional venues such as Books & CultureHuffington Post, and Patheos online. He has taught college and university courses on ethics, history, humanities, individual and organizational behavior, religion, philosophy, and psychology. Dr. DeVan is married to Kartini, who works in international tax. They have two children.


PhD in Ethics and Theology, University of Durham (UK) | MTh in Theology, Harvard Divinity School | MDiv in Divinity, Duke University | BS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Berry College